
Tuition Fees

MCS charges tuition fees prior to the start of each term.  There are four terms per year. Discounts are available for families who have more than one child enrolled. 

Tuition Fees per Term (GST inclusive):
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Discount for Enrolled Siblings: 
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A Prompt Payment discount of 5% is applicable for tuition fees paid in full within the first five working days of the start of each term.  This discount does not apply to textbooks, exam fees or miscellaneous items. 

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Cambridge exam subject fees are payable by students and are subject to the exchange rate at time of invoicing.  These range between $165 to $195 per single subject (GST inclusive). 

We endeavour to maintain as much as possible an "all inclusive fee" policy.  This means that we endeavour not to levy additional costs wherever possible for school materials or fundraising activities throughout the year. 

School fees will be reviewed by the Trustboard in Term 3, for the following year.  Fees will increase year on year. 

Please refer to the Prospectus (Schedule of Fees) and the Application for Enrolment Form for more detailed information on all aspects of fees.

Application Fee
Each enrolment form is subject to a $150 non-refundable application fee, payable by cash, eftpos, credit card or direct debit into our school bank account: Manukau Christian School, a/c 12-3615-0014533-00.

Enrolment Fee
Once your child has been accepted to start at our school, a one-off non-refundable enrolment fee of $500 including GST per family is payable.  This must be paid within 7 days to confirm enrolment.

Polo Shirts, House T-shirts, Shorts, Hats and Jackets
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You may be eligible for a Scholarship due to financial hardship.

Families interested in applying should contact the school or download the Initial Response Form.  We also require a completed Application for Enrolment form. 

Complete and return the Initial Response Form to Manukau Christian School. We will then assist you in completing the remainder of the forms.


Eye on Nature Day

Awards at End of Term Assembly

Year 8 PE Lesson

Bike Day Year 6