Dress Code

There is no school uniform, however all children are expected to be suitably and neatly dressed, neither unduly flamboyant nor overly casual.

We want to ensure that the focus of our effort at school at all times is on providing a high-quality education for our children.  Therefore, we do not want to be distracted by discussions and debates over whether a particular dress style or adornment is appropriate. We recognise that parents and homes have different views and standards on such matters. Consequently, our approach is to insist on a minimal adornment and dress affectation whilst at school.  (Please note that we are not expressing any views or opinions on any particular fashion or its appropriateness in general, nor implying that any particular dress culture is intrinsically moral or Christian.  Rather, we are focused on what leads to managing an efficient and focused school where our students are able to focus on learning and quality interaction with teachers.)

Parents must ensure children are neatly, suitably and cleanly dressed at all times.  The Handbook for Families provides further details.  A detailed list of high school dress rules is available on request.  
Tshirts web
Polo shirts as worn by senior students
School Polo Shirts are required when on school trips, sports events and cultural exchanges with other schools. This helps us watch out for our pupils when travelling or in locations other than the school grounds.  Polo shirts are available for purchase from the school office.  We also have windproof jackets, embroidered school hats, shorts, skorts and caps available for purchase.

Hair Styling
Boys: Hair must be natural (not dyed, spiked, patterned or excessively gelled or shaved) and tidy, well groomed and cut in a short masculine style. No jewellery, bangles or threads may be worn. Clothing must fit neatly and be of modest length. No singlet tops. High school boys must be clean-shaven. No henna, tattoos or skin adornments are allowed.

Girls: Hair must be natural (not dyed) and tidy, well groomed and feminine. Long hair is to be tied back from the face. No jewellery, bangles, threads or make-up (this includes nail polish) to be worn except one stud per ear in the lower lobe. No henna, tattoos or skin adornments are allowed. Clothing must fit neatly and be modest. Singlet or shoestring tops are not suitable and leggings may only be worn if they are under a dress, skirt or shorts.
Suitable footwear includes the following:
  • School shoes with flat heels
  • Sandals with backs i.e. Roman sandals
  • Sneakers with socks
  • Closed in shoes must be worn in the laboratory

Sunhats and Caps
During Term 1 and Term 4, children must wear a sunhat or cap while outside.

Physical Education
All students must wear their house T-shirt and suitable footwear.  Boys must wear shorts; girls shorts or skorts. 

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