Tests and examinations are an essential part of teaching and learning. Teachers carry out regular individual and class assessments of students. This process helps students to learn and master information and material. But it also helps teachers by providing a constant feedback mechanism. On-going, regular communication with our parents over testing is key to keeping them informed of their child's progress. It is also another important way to help home and school work together as a team.
Every Friday
Students are tested on their spelling, tables and memory verse for the week. The test book is sent home.
- The weekly report card is sent home to parents of students in Years 1 to 6. Parents of students in Years 7 to 13 have access to results through the parent portal on Thinkwave.
- One subject book is sent home.
We ask that the weekly report card be signed and returned each Monday, along with the subject book.
Subject Tests
Testing is carried out at the end of a five week block of topic study. This will include Science and Culture topics. The results will be in your child's test book.
Portfolios will be sent home throughout the year. This will contain a particular set piece of work. Please read and sign this and return on the Monday.
In Term One a discussion report is handed out at parent meeting time. A full descriptive report is handed out at the start of Term Three and followed up with a parent meeting a week later. Another full descriptive report is handed out at the end of Term Four.
Parent Meetings
These are held in Terms One and Three. This is an opportunity for teachers and parents to discuss your child's progress. Please remember that you do not have to wait until a meeting time to talk with your child's teacher.
Progress and Achievement Tests (PATs)
We use these standardised tests as a way of assessing your child's reading, vocabulary, listening and comprehension skills. Other PATs include Maths and Study Skills. Results of these tests are handed to parents. PAT tests are held every year from Year 3 onwards.
Parents of students in Years 7 to 13 are provided with a login code to this student portal. Assessments, grades and feedback are provided by teachers and can be viewed at any time.
Cambridge International Examinations
Cambridge Checkpoint tests may be written at the end of every year from Year 3 onwards and external Cambridge International Examinations are sat in Year 6, Year 9, Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13.
Year 6 students sit external Primary Checkpoint Examinations in Maths and English.
Year 9 students may sit external Cambridge Secondary 1 Examinations.
Year 11 students sit external IGCSE examinations and Year 12 and 13 sit A and AS levels examinations.