Beyond Academics

MCS is an unashamedly academic school.  However, we do have aspects to our school that sit alongside the academic learning and complement it.

House Groups
During Term 1 each year we run whole-school house competitions.  Our four house groups battle for supremacy in physical challenges that involve relatively small amounts of coordination, a high degree of teamwork and often large quantities of water.
House Groups are Wilberforce, Calvin, Te Wiremu and Tarore.

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William Wilberforce was a British politician who could have easily enjoyed a comfortable career without controversy. However, in 1785 he met Jesus and everything changed. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Wilberforce poured the bulk of his energy and time into campaigning for justice for African slaves. This occurred when slavery was an entrenched norm for society - a society that considered itself to be Christian. Abolishing slavery was incredibly difficult, but his life's work was eventually achieved when slavery was abolished 3 days before his death in 1833.
John Calvin was a shy, scholarly man who was happy to avoid the spotlight. However, he loved God and had the gift of writing powerfully and arguing logically and so God thrust him into a role of leadership. People did not always like what Calvin said but he communicated so clearly that they always knew what he meant. Calvin wrote the first full account of Christianity (The Institutes). He taught that God is sovereign, in control of all things. He also emphasised high standards for believers! Justification is not by works, but good works must always accompany our salvation!
Te Wiremu
Henry Williams (Te Wiremu) came to Aotearoa NZ as a missionary in 1823. He was a very hard-working man who genuinely tried to see Maori treated equitably and justly. He translated the Treaty into Maori and sought to see the intent of the Treaty outworked in terms of land ownership. Although his efforts were later misunderstood and criticised, Te Wiremu and the other missionaries worked tirelessly to see that Treaty principles in this country were honoured. Land-grabbing became more common after the influence of the missionaries had waned and unscrupulous governors took control.

Tarore was only 12 years old, the daughter of Chief Ngakuku. She died tragically in a raid by the Arawa tribe when attacked by a man named Uita. Tarore had attended a mission school, and had been given a small Gospel of Luke, which she wore around her neck. Her attackers stole the book and fled. Eventually somebody read it for them. Uita was convicted by message of forgiveness through the cross and it caused him to repent. He risked his life by approaching Tarore’s father, Chief Ngakuku, seeking forgiveness. Forgiveness was granted and instead of bloodshed and utu, peace was established and the gospel spread.
Culture Day
Each year we hold Culture Day.  As a very multicultural and ethnically diverse school, Culture Day gives MCS students a very special opportunity to share music, dance, food and other unique aspects of their culture with the rest of the school.  This culminates with a  whole-school assembly at which some items are shared with the whole school and with attending parents.

Our recent Culture Day Assembly is available for your viewing.

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Camps and Trips
Trips link in with curriculum studies. Year 9 students attend one overnight tramp. Year 12 and 13 students enjoy a North Island trip (or similar) alternate years.