Our Bible programme is designed to teach children to study the Bible for themselves, understand its message and seek to apply God's word to every aspect of their lives.
This includes handwriting, reading, spelling, grammar, composition and oral expression.
A solid foundation in reading will reap rewards later. A strong emphasis is placed on teaching phonics so that children learn to read and write within the first year.
Our two-fold approach to phonics includes our own phonic programme plus the Letterland programme. This combination has proven to be very successful. Our systematic approach is complemented by reading at home every day. Children are taught to 'sound' out unfamiliar words.
All children throughout the school have spelling homework every day. Year 1 children will start with three to five words and children in Year 6 progress onto etymology (origin of words).
Students in the primary school celebrate special occasions such as Letterland Day, Storybook Day, Career Day, Culture Day, Fathers' Day and Grandparents' Day as applicable to their year level.
The progressive style of our math courses enables children to advance when appropriate or revise concepts not yet mastered. Where a topic is dealt with in one term e.g. time, division etc, it is re-visited again to ensure concepts remain fresh and can be studied in more depth.
Addition, subtraction or multiplication tables are given as homework every day.
Science is taught to equip children with skills and knowledge that recognises order, purpose and the wonder of God's creation.
This is an alternative to 'Social Studies' that is taught in state schools. Children learn that God is the God of history. They are taught how to interpret and evaluate historical events, to understand geography and to view present day society from a biblical frame of reference.
Music and Art
These are taught from the perspective of developing children's skills and an appreciation of God's majesty and beauty of His creation.
Other Subjects
Home economics, technology, crafts, languages, photography, economics and computer studies are available for students in modules. These are usually studied by the upper primary and high school children. Computers are introduced across the curriculum where this assists with learning.
Sport and Physical Education
Each class has designated times for Physical Education throughout the week and includes a range of activities.
We aim to improve the gross motor co-ordination of our younger students through the Gymsport programme. Older students take part in the Swimsation programme. We participate in the Auckland Christian Schools competitions that may include cross country, netball and football.
Students take part in other sporting disciplines through their local clubs.
We endeavour to link into the curriculum events that may be of special interest. Trips are paid for by parents and transport is usually by bus. Volunteer parents assist with supervision on trips.
Year 1 and 2 Gymsports