During the course of the year, our high school students enjoy a number of outdoor activities.
Once exams are finished, students in Year 12 and 13 head south. They enjoy four days away, experiencing a variety of activities. This includes tramping the Tongoriro Crossing, caving, swimming and visiting a trout farm.
It’s the perfect way to end the year! This trip occurs every alternate year, giving both year 12 and 13 students the opportunity to attend.
5 students from Year 12 and 13, along with 3 students from Pukekohe Christian School flew to Fiji for an 8 day mission trip to support church outreach programmes.
Since the inception of the high school, Year 9 students have been introduced to tramping with a trip through the Waitawheta Valley.
"We hiked for four hours to the hut: We saw the tramway showing our logging heritage, a waterfall, we walked through streams and on swingbridges, saw possums, swam - there are many waterholes - slept overnight at the hut and then walked out again the next day."
For many of our pupils this is their first taste of tramping.
Learning new sports skills and having fun.
Making some delicious treats.
I’m glad we found the right marker…
Cycling from Paeroa to Waikino.
Students in Year 13 came to school well prepared for conducting their experiments. Presenting and explaining their findings to their peers proves to be informative and fun.