Our Mission, Values and Vision



Our Mission
Pursuing Academic Excellence to develop responsible
and courageous disciples who apply Christ's kingship to all of life

Our School Values
◌ Strength
◌ Humility


What is our vision? 
  • We lay a solid biblical foundation so that children are soundly equipped to develop into mature Christian men and women.
  • We are committed to excellence through our foundation of a Christian Worldview, with the resulting onflow of academic success, strong relationships and developing a character of virtue. 
  • Standards are set and progress is stimulated at the outset.  Every minute matters! 
  • Reports are sent home weekly in Years 1 to 6. Full subject reports are sent home at the beginning of Term 3 and end of Term 4. 
  • We encourage your child to be self-motivated – a vital ingredient for future success.
  • We encourage parents to be involved.  Parent-Teacher meetings occur in Terms 1 and 3.  An on-line parent portal  for parents of students in Years 5 to 13 provides updates on student progress, test marks, assignment feedback and exams.  
  • Our Christian ethos allows children to feel safe both within and outside of the classroom. We do not tolerate bullying or swearing.
  • We are a family-orientated, friendly school where children  and teenagers respect and support each other.
  • A traditional classroom set-up in the primary school using flexible processes enhances and maximises learning time and strengthens respectful teacher-student relationships. 


Pursuing academic excellence to develop responsible and courageous disciples who apply Christ's kingship to all of life.

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