- From a mother of a primary school child:
"Parents and children are made to feel very welcome. The school is open with their communication and children are very happy and settled and learning well. If a child has a problem either with their school work or socially, it's sorted. My daughter has had so much encouragement and support with her Maths, that she's now very confident and empowered. Thank you."
- From a mother of a senior primary student:
"My daughter joined the school only in Term One this year, but the progress is VERY impressive. I noticed that she has now formed the habit of doing home work EVERY DAY, which she never did in the public school. I believe it's the MCS system of parents signing the homework book everyday that really works. I also noticed that my daughter focuses much more on her school work due to her peer's influence - she has reduced the amount of time she spends on social media. Overall, I have found the school has had an amazing influence on her growth in forming positive attitudes and working habits. I wish I had sent her to Manukau Christian school earlier."
- From a mum of two boys who transferred her children to our school:
"My sons always look forward to going to school each morning. We noticed they have been motivated since they enrolled at MCS. They enjoy doing their homework. Our younger son greatly improved on his handwriting. The staff are doing a great job. Thank you staff!!"
- From a Dad whose two children started in Year 1:
"I am so grateful to the teachers and staff at Manukau Christian School for preparing our children so well for high school. Spiritually and academically they were well equipped and the high standard of work and work habits that were established have been major factors in contributing to their success."
- From a Mum of three children:
"One of the aspects of MCS that we like is that children have the opportunity to work at their own pace. The children work in groups according to their ability, so they have a chance to excel or on the other hand don't have to worry about falling behind. Through Parent Help I have had the opportunity to sit in with lessons and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the children and teachers interact. As parents we are pleased with the quality of education - even our 9 year old who has dyslexia is reading for pleasure now! The material that is offered to the children is interesting and varied, and the children are stimulated to do their own research - our kids love it!"
- From a mum who has children in Year 1 through to Year 13
"We have had children at MCS from Year 1 through to Year 13. Our children love going to school and it is a very friendly, welcoming place to be. The teachers at the school are very caring of their students and always go the extra mile for them. They have high expectations and this, we believe, encourages children to excel. They have taught our children excellent study skills and self-responsibility and as they have progressed through school, they have been given opportunities to develop initiative and leadership skills. We love the Cambridge curriculum and think that it gives a very high standard of content-rich education, while also developing great critical thinking skills. MCS has prepared our children exceptionally well for whatever they choose to do after finishing school."