Christian teachers love and care for your children and seek to inspire your child to aspire to live by Christian values. We encourage your child to develop a servant heart: looking outward rather than inward, thereby developing leadership and initiative. We expect the best from your child and we strive to achieve the best for your child as teachers.
We endeavour to put Christ at the centre of all, by teaching all subject areas through a biblical lens. Our aim is to assist parents in the education of their children by providing an environment where academic excellence, godly character and servant leadership are developed in accordance with biblical truths and principles.
We do this by:
We are affilliated to and members of the following groups:
Registered by The Ministry of Education
Member of The Association of Cambridge Schools of New Zealand
Registered for Cambridge Assessment International Examinations
Member of The Independent Christian Schools Fellowship
Member of The New Zealand Association of Christian Schools
Member of Independent Schools of New Zealand (ISNZ)
Signatory to The Code of Practice for International Students